On 11-Jun-09, at 7:44 PM, Sonny Hung wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Woody Smith
> <woodysmith@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I used a rather large SPDT switch and long wires as space permits,
>> but
>> Stephanie's switch solution is much much better if you have a small
>> switch.
>> <http://planetstephanie.net/hi-tech-fun/newton/emate-overclock/>
> Hm, yes I know - it took me ages to find what I deemed the
> appropriate sized
> switch
SPDT means Single Pole, Double Throw. This is a device that will
switch a single circuit between two positions (an A/B switch). SPST -
simple on/off switch. DPDT - two circuits two positions (dual A/B).
Keep your wires as short as practicable.
The problem with the crystal not working sometimes could be that it
isn't the same flavour as the original. Each crystal is paired up with
two capacitors and perhaps a resistor. If the new crystal needs a very
different set of capacitors, it may not "ring" properly, but this
would be apparent at startup time, nothing would work.
You can also have problems when switching between the two crystals
where the phase locked loop will not lock.
If the system starts but certain portions will not work, the sections
(like the PCMCIA controller) may not be able to handle the high
frequencies even though the processor will run. Try a lower frequency
crystal until you get completely running system (or live with the
crippled parts).
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Received on Thu Jun 11 22:04:29 2009
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