Grant - I think this is on topic (in a survival kind of way).
The escalation of iphone conversations of late has really got me wondering.
What if...there are now more Newton users with iPhones than without them.
What if...there were only actually about 3 people on the list who don't
have an iPhone and the anti-iPhone rhetoric has been just that, with the
majority actually owning and enjoying them. (Not that this is a crime).
What if...the iPhone users became or are the dominant race, took over (a
coup!) and wiped the rest of us out, for example by passing a statute
that no Newton related conversations were allowed on Newtontalk.
Hence the i-Poll.
This is totally mad and pointless but we need to know. Therefore:
I am happy to receive one email (OFF LIST) from every member of this
list (hyper-regular, regular, infrequenters or lurkers) about the
following question.
1) Do you own a Newton and and Iphone Yes/No.
I will collate them and inform you of the results i.e the proportion.
Go on it will set the record straight.
All the best
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Received on Fri Jun 19 16:34:42 2009
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