>Ok, first off pictures take up a lot of space. I doubt you will get any
> sort of "small pkg size" if you use multiple pictures. I use to
>include them and do on occasion, but in general one picture can make up
>1/4th the space of a plain text book. Of course your millage may vary.
No problem, I am making books for the kids, I'm not bothered with image
sizes and etc.
>Second, the problem you are encountering with .rtf is even though it is
>a standard, it has changed over the years. The newer .rtf generating
>programs are not likely going to work with Press. You need to use older
>programs. Windows wordpad for example. Or something similar in age for
>the Mac.
Good point. Of course I only have Word 2007 at this point. Oldversion.com
and oldapps.com did not show me any decent discontinued word processor that
would spit out old-school RTF. Anyone got any ideas?
Something else. I was using Paint Shop Pro to resize images and convert to
grayscale, and then ImageMagick to convert to "true grayscale" with 16
shades. The result in that format opens fine in Windows Paint which will
copy-paste into Newton Press without a problem. I don't understand how to
get Paint Shop Pro to go to 16 greys so I could potentially skip the
ImageMagick step; if I just copy-paste into Press from PSP it looks right in
Press but the image on the eMate is garbled.
I love all the comments and etc, please keep 'em coming! :)
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