[NTLK] John Sculley: The Newton was two decades ahead of its

Thick Parasite thickparasite at gmail.com
Fri May 25 14:17:31 EDT 2012

> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 18:24:20 +0100
> From: Norman Keen <normankeen at clara.co.uk>
> Subject: [NTLK] John Sculley: The Newton was two decades ahead of its
>        time
> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net
> Message-ID: <351C4A3D-3A0D-4656-BD2B-48B152A95C1F at clara.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=windows-1252
> I just picked up on this interview with John Sculley, which starts:
> Former Apple CEO John Sculley: the future of our health is in the cloud
> The Newton was two decades ahead of its time, says the former Apple chief
> executive ? and the future of healthcare will be driven by cloud computing
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/may/16/john-sculley-cloud-computing-newton
> It even has a link to the knowledge Navigator video!
> I'm a long time ?lurker? (from London, UK) on Newtontalk, and this is my
> first email to the group.
> In the early days, I used to read Pen Computing magazine, and David
> MacNeill on the Newton. You can see his Newton Notes Archives at
> http://www.pencomputing.com/Newton/
> I?ve used a Newton since 1993, and only gave up using my 2000 last
> November, when I bought an iPhone 4S - this still doesn?t do some things as
> well as the Newton (apart from HWR), for example, the ?Spotlight? type
> search function will not pick up words everywhere in the device!  My Newton
> is still has a lot of my 'history' on it, and I go back to it from time to
> time to check things out.  I also like occasionally to take it into one of
> the Apple stores, and show it to the staff, most of whom have never seen
> one -they generally were still at school when Apple stopped making the
> Newton.
> Apologies if you?ve all picked this up already
> Norman Keen

Hi Norman,

Your story is truly why I love so much NTLK. It reminds me there is really
more to it than just an electronic device.
Newton is poetry somehow !

Thanks for the Pen Computing archives link. It's amazing.

Keep the green dream alive

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