[NTLK] Einstein on Android troubles

Scott Hoffman hoffo at gmx.com
Tue Sep 30 01:43:00 EDT 2014

I just figured I'd give you the specifics to the issue I encountered with Einstein on my Samsung Note 3.  My apologies for filling the list with Android specific issues, but as it ties into the usage of our Fair Green Emulated OS, I think perhaps it could help someone down the road.

I have KitKat 4.4.2 running on my T-Mobile Samsung Note 3.  I had Einstein installed  and running with no problems.  I rooted my phone with Kingo Root, and continued to use Einstein with no issues.  Rather stupidly, I installed Samsung Kies onto my Mac to get a software update, which in turn broke root.  The next time I loaded Einstein, it crashed and wouldn't load any of the packages which were in the same /Downloads/Einstein folder.  I deleted all the packages and reinstalled them in  the same order I did the first time.  Everything works again.

I don't know if anyone else has had a similar issue but it seemed to be a quick fix, albeit slightly frustrating.

Looking forward to seeing the future of Einstein!  

Take care and Stay Green!
Sent from my Apple MessagePad 2000U.

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