Re: NTLK Game: waki, and Linux/un*x based development.

From: Konstantinos Xonis (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 09:15:06 CDT

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Victor Rehorst wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Mishka Gorodnitzky wrote:
> > ... as I mentioned, this isn't quite fully polished. I wouldn't mind
> > doing some more work on it, to polish it up and maybe even work on a
> > version 2 (I've got some neat ideas ...), but the problem is that I
> > don't run MSWin anywhere anymore, so I don't have access to NTK. So
> > here's the second part of my post. What do other people do for
> > development on non-MSWin and non-MacOS platforms? NTK via WINE? NTK
> > via a MacOS emulator? I've even heard of writing code and uploading
> > it to the Newton for compilation/packaging ... but I have _no_ idea
> > how to do that. Any suggestions?
> >
> The FAQ has lots of pointers to development options:
> Personally, I find that most of the Mac tools (NCU, NTK) run fine with the
> Mac emulator Basilisk II. When I get around to it I'm going to package up
> my BasiliskII configuration and my 150MB HFS file system-in-a-file and stick
> it up somewhere so people can get up and running quickly. The HFS
> filesystem would contain all of the Newton-related Apple applications: NCK,
> NBU, NCU, NTK, BookMaker.

This sounds really good !! So I even could do some work here at Uni...
Do you think Hammer/NewtsBug would run under BasiliskII ?? In that case,
it would be quite a nice leap in my efforts do get something Hammer-like
on top of GDB... (This one is still heavy roumors !! Don't rely on that
yet ! ;) )

Konstantinos XONIS (XAKChaos of XAK-Design Wetzlar)
Buderusstrasse 14   FAX: +49 6441 390 943
D35576 Wetzlar	    TEL: +49 6441 390 944 or (mobile) +49 177 7025 529
FR Germany          

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