> From: Victor Rehorst <victor@gear.torque.net>
> Whoa... this is news to me. I didn't think NIE 1.1 supported all of the
> "plug-in" packages that are needed for Ethernet (specifically, the Newton
> Devices and the NIE Ethernet packages). I don't think there's even an
> option in NIE 1.1's Internet Setup to choose Ethernet as a connection
> option. Has anyone ever tried this?
Hm, somebody is reading something I didn't write.
The goal here was getting the ethernet part in a 2.1 Newton, so I said that
you don't need all of NIE 2.0 to get ethernet to work in that 2.1 Newton (!)
I never said that you'll get them to work in a Newton with system 2.0,
because you won't, just doesn't work, doesn't have the stuff you need in
it's ROM.
Robert Benschop
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