Hi there everyone,
two points, one a question and one a request.
1. Being a Mac user and totally crazy Newton user, I would love to try out
the famous NewtonQuake, but the utility for file conversion only works on
Windows. I tried using Virtual PC, but without any success. I'm wondering
that it's rather curious, why I've been able to spot all kinds of Newton
files on the web, EXCEPT converted quake files to Newton pkgs. Could some
kind soul please help me out by sending me some of the converted maps or
I could even host a site for users out there who would like access to some
of these converted files in pkg format.
And now the question:
2. I've read all the faqs regarding how to make an Avi's backdrop using
Newton Press, including renaming the file to A!:, size of image...and
converting the number of colors to grey but everytime, I bring the pict file
into Newton Press, it gives me a Black and White image, even though I've
already reduced the number of greys. Anyone else have this problem? And any
quick solns? What am I doing wrong with Photoshop or Newton Press?
Thanks in advance, as usual to you guys.
Gavin Hall
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