On 5/1/2000 4:54 PM, Jon Shurtleff
[mailto:jon.shurtleff@munich.netsurf.de] wrote:
>Just kidding but my wife and I have lived in Europe for a year and a half
>and I miss Wendy's. We did run across a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the
>process of moving to the Netherlands from Germany this last weekend. We
>gorged. In fact we were so absorbed in the revery that I didn't even try to
>talk to the guy at the next table that was using a Newton 1x0. This was the
>first Newton other than my own that I've seen since we've lived here.
Whoa - we may have to drum you out of the Newton Fanatics Club, er,
NewtonTalk, for that offense, Jon! Putting KFC above an MP. For
SHAME! <grin>
- Bill
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