Re: [NTLK] emate battery

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 21:18:58 EDT

Dear Mr. Benschop,

  Thank you for the "Robert's Soldering Tip." For an unexperienced solderer
any advice is more than welcomed and appreciated. However I had a question.
When holding the tip of the soldering gun to the battery's soldering lip
should there be any concern that the lip will begin to melt if one does not
transfer the tin quickly enough? As a "newbie to soldering" I would
probably be very cautious when attempting such a task, thus most likely
slow at the action.

  Thanks again, for both the tips as well as the website of pictorial
instructions. While I agree the photos on the website make the process, at
least for the eMate look easy, as someone very inexperienced the moment it
was suggested to refurbish the pack myself I was unsure and, consequently,
looked for the safer route of either buying new battery or having someone
experienced do it for myself (I know of nobody to show myself how to do it
or, at least, walk me through the process). Yet, like Mr. Blindwolf stated,
I am very thankful that people such as yourself are here for us!

Thanks again,


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