Re: [NTLK] Opening NTK

From: Edward Cheung (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 15:39:24 EDT

Even with Sherlock, it is no where to been seen, but anyway thanks

On Friday, October 12, 2001, at 02:22 AM, Laurent Daudelin wrote:

> on 10/11/01 2:23 PM, Edward Cheung at wrote:
>> I was trying to open NTK, but a message came out saying,
>> "Could not launch Newton Tookit because the "Platforms" folder could
>> not
>> be found in the NTK Folder"
>> Seeing this, I downloaded the 2.1_platform folder from Unna, and now
>> where should I put this folder? I don't see a NTK Folder, All I see
>> is a
> Do a search with Sherlock for "Newton Toolkit". You should be able to
> find
> it...
> -Laurent.
> --
> =====================================================================
> Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
> Washington, DC, USA
> ********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
> brain dump n.: [common] The act of telling someone everything one knows
> about a particular topic or project. Typically used when someone is
> going to
> let a new party maintain a piece of code. Conceptually analogous to an
> operating system core dump in that it saves a lot of useful state
> before an
> exit. "You'll have to give me a brain dump on FOOBAR before you start
> your
> new job at HackerCorp." See core dump (sense 4). At Sun, this is also
> known
> as `TOI' (transfer of information).
> --
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