Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?
From: John Goggan (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 13:32:00 EDT
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- Mail actions: [ respond to this message ] [ mail a new topic ] wrote:
> What about Volume Discounts? Don't you think if a School District
> buys 200 systems, that Apple will give them a break?
I know of very, very few districts that would ever be able to afford buying
200 machines at a time. And, of those, I don't know of any that could pull it
off doing it with Macs.
Basically, any districts that I know of that have that kind of cash, also have
a very active and vocal local support (parents, businesses, and so on) that
would never let them buy that number of Macs in this day and age... It's sad,
but it's the truth.
In fact, I'd find it hard to recommend myself. I mean, regardless of how
cool/awesome/whatever someone might think some current Mac is, I'm not sure
I'd recommend a large body of students grow up using them at school. It just
isn't likely to be what they will be using later...
- John...
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- Previous message: Michael Mays: "Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?"
- In reply to: "Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?"
- Next in thread: hal9000x: "Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?"
- Reply: hal9000x: "Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?"
- Reply: Stephen Jendraszak: "Re: [NTLK] eMac, eMate, are we getting somewhere?"
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