[NTLK] $150 newt I need a US address, pls help

From: Vernon LeMoignan (greenguy_at_oanet.com)
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 20:27:05 EST

> UPS and FedEx websites and they say its about $55. Even accounting for
> my mail box place's markup, that brings it to about $75. UPS is a pain
> to ship overseas, but I think FedEx is a bit easier on the paperwork.
> Customs declarations are the big problem.
Just curious.

Why don't they just ship USPS?

Living in Canada and buying stuff(crap according to my wife) off of
ebay, always means a shipping hasel. But when the sender has used USPS
I have never had any problems at all. No problems at the border, cheap
brokerage usually $5.00 (UPS is like $25.00 and up).

I generally don't buy anything anymore unless the sender can ship by

I have noticed some reluctance from Americans sellers to send USPS. is
there a reason for this?


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