Re: [NTLK] Trashing prefs

From: Glen Warner (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 02:24:35 EST

Martin Joseph <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 10:35 PM, Glen Warner wrote:
> <sniP>
>> was happily recommending
>> to his customer that she put all of her Preferences in the trash!
>> If you're not Mac-savvy, this would put the customer in a no boot
>> situation.
> Actually not true...

> You can throw away your entire preferences folder in classic MacOS
> 1 through 9.22) and the mac will still boot right up and create a
> preferences folder and go about it's merry way writing out new
> preferences files.

Probably correct -- but that's what they told us during training, and
I certainly wasn't going to try it on my Mac! :o)

But still, trashing the Preferences folder would force the customer to
(at least in some cases) re-enter all of their registration codes for
some of their software. Imagine if this was a mission critical app,
and it was locked in Demo mode, because a tech recommended the 'trash
all your prefs' option of doing things ...! In this situation, you
don't just have an inconvenienced customer, but an angry and
inconvenienced customer. Basic customer service says to avoid
creating this of customer.

Finally, I recall seeing that one of the solutions for common Adobe
PageMaker problems included formatting and starting over. Got to one
of those solutions and took the time to hunt down the offending
extension. Formatting and reinstalling is not the Macintosh Way(tm)
-- IMO, anyway.


> Newton,
> Marty

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