Re: [NTLK] Paging Card

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 10:45:35 EDT

The CD player I have is the Kenwook DP-M5520. It uses
the CDM-600 6-CD cartridge...According to my notes, I
don't think that the DP-M98 will fit...but I haven't
checked any newer machines. (The date on the note in
my Newton is January 1998...)
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--- LA GREEN <> wrote:
> HEY ED i just might be able to help you with the
> kenwood problem. if your
> cd player is model DP-M98 then make me an offer. i
> have two cartridges for
> mine and i also have the kenwood 200 cd player
> (anniv gift 8-)) so i dont
> use my cartridges as much.....btw i still have the
> full kenwood component

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