Le 2 avr. 06 à 15:41, newtontalk@newtontalk.net a écrit :
> From: June Tate <june@theonelab.com>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] DCL and Escale
> Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 23:38:38 -0700
> Well, after only hearing responses saying essentially "use something
> else," getting hooked on Escale's functionality (plus gooey
> interface! ^,^) and after reading the thread from Paul Guyot about
> DCL's unsupported state, I've decided to put my software engineering
> skills to work and start hacking to see if I can figure out why it's
> crashing and so on. This is not to say I'm taking up the torch of
> "supporting DCL" -- just that I'm going to try to see if I can get
> some of these bugs that are blocking /my/ current use of the whole
> setup (DCL/Escale) solved. Maybe in the process it'll modernize it a
> bit and make it a viable platform again. As Open Source Software
> hackers are often fond of saying, I'm scratching my personal itch
> with the software.
> Paul, if you're still reading this list, I have a few questions that
> aren't answered anywhere:
> - Where is the bug tracker that you used to have up at <http://
> bugs.kallisys.com>?
It's down, forever. Please use sourceforge bug tracker instead.
> If possible, I'd like to see what outstanding bugs are/were
> still open that
> could use some love.
> - The K libs from SourceForge CVS HEAD Xcode project reference
> UExpatUtils.cp from
> your personal home directory and don't seem to be present in the
> CVS repository
It's here:
> -- what are these, and where can I get them? I'm afraid K won't
> compile without
> them.
The project just needed to be fixed. I did fix it, but sourceforge
ssh cvs access is down at the moment.
> - The DCL CVS HEAD is missing the Xcode project entirely -- is
> this available
> from somewhere else, or am I stuck using Jam to build it with?
Likewise. It's on my hard drive, I'll commit it whenever the cvs
works again.
> - Escale can't build because K can't build, and DCL doesn't have
> an Xcode project
> file to point Escale's Xcode project to. In short, I can't get
> anything to compile
> right now, so the source at the moment is useless unless I start
> auditing the
> code and figuring out the missing pieces (not exactly something
> I'm interested
> in at the moment -- I'd much rather get deep into the code and
> start fixing bugs
> rather than mess around with build systems).
Escale compiles here. I'll see what I can do when the server comes
back up. I'll retry tomorrow morning (in 8 hours).
-- Ministre ultraplénipotentiaire en disponibilité. Mobile. Sans baignoire fixe. http://www.kallisys.com/ http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/~guyot/ -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Sun Apr 2 09:22:05 2006
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